Fire Boy Downunder

The adventures of a little Brit ex-pat on his tour of duty...tales of bravery, dragons, maidens and drunkeness.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Trip back

I'll be heading back to Perth, Australia on Sunday 19th Aug, after doing the rounds at home and catchin up on my mum's roast dinner. I'm now on Facebook and can catch me there if you're a member.

Take care.....Ali


On tuesday 14th Aug I popped down to (not so sunny) Bournemouth to visit my Cousins Emily(who now lives there) and William( just visiting before starting his equestrian training in the Household Cavelry). It was great to catch up and we headed out for lunch and a few drinks. The weather was back to its miserable best, but the company made up for it. Can't believe Em is just 17 but is all grown up with her new pad and life in B'Mouth - a bit different to her life in Kuala Lumpur!

Back to the UK - Nats Wedding

On Thursday 9th Aug I landed back in the UK for a 11day holiday. The trip was prompted by the Wedding of Natalie to Adrian. I know Nat from my days at Leeds University and beyond. The wedding was held the following day on the 10th August, so jet-lag in tow I headed to the Oxford Belfry Hotel (J7 on the M40) to meet up with most of the old gang from Uni and partners before heading over to the venue at Waddesden Manor. The British summer even made an appearance and together with the great friends, a fair bit of booze and some ol tunes the day was supurb! A selection of photos....