Fire Boy Downunder

The adventures of a little Brit ex-pat on his tour of duty...tales of bravery, dragons, maidens and drunkeness.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

BP/BRW Corporate Triathlon

Sunday 11th was D-day for the corporate Super Sprint Triathlon. I think the hardest part of the day was getting up at 0530 in the morning to ride down to Langley park in Perth. It was my first time doing this and wasn't too sure how I would hold up but all in it was a great morning and I managed the 400m swim, 10km ride and 4km run in a respectable time of 7.18, 25.08(loads of 180 deg turns) and 16.32. Would defo do it again.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Monday was a holiday in WA, so I decided to take off to Sydney to catch up with Kathy and see a colleague before the lucky sod heads off to New York. Needed to get out of Perth as was beginning to feel a bit trapped. Was entertained on Saunday night by a spectacular lighting storm that lit up the night, unfortunatley the one on Monday delayed my flight and wasn't so entertaining! Had a great time, staying in the City, going to Toronga zoo as well as eating and drinking the weekend away.....
Mine's the red one

Port Geographe Race Week

On the 23rd Feb I went down to Bussleton, 3 hours south of Perth to help (or hinder) on a yacht called Whispering Jack sailing in the race week. I was there for the weekend only but was a great experience sailing in a proper race. The sat was 2 short course races and the sunday was the longer legs. We slept on the boat in the marina, the breeze racing through the masts of the regatta and flags fluttering were a great way to get to sleep.

No sea sickness fortunately, but there was a close shave with another boat that resulted in our railings being torn off and nearly being hit by their boom - nothing to do with me thankfully! A few pics below: