Fire Boy Downunder

The adventures of a little Brit ex-pat on his tour of duty...tales of bravery, dragons, maidens and drunkeness.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Thanks for checking out my new Blog. I doubt that much in the way of daily journals, thoughts or comments will actually manifest, but I might surprise myself.

I've been out of the UK for a little over a year now, having left with all the intentions of setting something like this up so that people can keep tracks of me. Obviously, that hasn't happened as fast as I would have hoped, but I guess better late than never....

I'll try and use this area to post pics and keep people up to date, as the whole group email thing often degenerates into forwarding mildly funny or obscene email jokes to people (not that that should stop!), but I have felt that over the course of time, I have become slack and let some of you down.

So I hope you enjoy the postings and stay in touch over time....



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